Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Converting Miniatures 101

This post is for the noobs of converting your minis. Say you have a model you really want to make your own. One you really want to stand out from the rest of your troops, like a squad medic, Sgt, etc. the answer is... CONVERT IT!

What material is easiest to use for converting?

I’d say plastic is the easiest to use, since there are tons of plastic miniature ranges to mix and match from.

What tools do I need?

•Plastic glue (if you use plastic)

• hobby knife.

• files

These will help your pieces fit together and stay together better. Since the pieces you’re bashing together weren’t intended to be put together-together..

How do I make my miniature look unique?

• A good place to start is with a simple head swap. A historical head on a sci fi miniature can give your miniature a really cool look!

• Add extra gear,; a backpack can make your miniature look like he has been on his campaign/quest for a long haul.

• Basing can also add a story to your model. Bloody skulls make great trophies!

• Animal Companions always stand out

•Mohawk head 👍

Here is an example of all I just mentioned..

Converting can actually be quite simple. Yes, there are more complex ways of converting, but simply kit-bashing will help you get the creative juices flowing!

Until next time,

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