Tuesday, June 5, 2018

How I became a miniature wargamer.

I have been playing miniature wargames for over 5 years now. Here’s my story!

I found the amazing hobby of miniature wargames when I was 19. A friend of mine from church invited me over to his house for a New Years Eve party. When I arrived I found my two greatest loves  in life. My wife ( my friend’s sister), and miniatures!

My friends, and a bunch of his friends were playing Warhammer 40K. I saw large and beautifully painted armies of Grey Knights, Black Templars, Orks, Tyranids, Eldar, and Blood Angels clashing on several custom 6x4 tables. I asked my pastor (who has a massive Ork army), if their was a regular human army? He said “Yes! My son Christopher has a massive imperial guard army.”

Christopher showed me his vast collection of Leman Russes, Vendettas, and scores of Cadian Shock troops. I was hooked. I ended up with my own 10,000 point army of Catachan Jungle Fighters.

I also had a 3000 point Chaos Space Marines army.

As well as a 1500 point Salamanders army.

As well as a 1250 point Ultramarines army.

As well as a 500 point Ork army.

I even started dabbing in Warmachine, Star Wars X-wing, and the long out of production Star Wars Miniatures Game.

Unfortunately I stumbled upon hard times shortly after marrying my wonderful wife. Between 2 babies, 3 ER trips, 2 knee surgeries, and 3 moves have taken their toll on us financially.

I had to sell ALL of my armies. I kept 1,000 points of my imperial guard. So I had something to play with. However, since I’m married and have two kids, as well as a full time job; it’s hard to meet with my friends for games! Did I also mention I work nights and weekends?

So basically I still wanted to play, collect, and paint miniatures. However, I wanted to spend my time I do have at home with my wife and kids. So I started looking for a game to collect that my wife would like.

My wife hates Science Fiction, but loves fantasy! We both love Lord of the Rings, but it seemed  too expensive to collect at the time. Then we found Age of Sigmar...

My wife loves horses, so when we saw the Spire of Dawn starter set for Age of Sigmar; we decided to give it a shot. We both love it! It was also a very good deal, $80 for 74 miniatures is hard to say no to!

My wife has a 880 point High Elf Army.

I have a 770 point Skaven Army, and a 700 point Wanderers army.

I also have a 3x3 table with a battle mat, some homemade terrain, general’s handbook 2017, and the firestorm campaign. That’s about it!

So that brings us to the blog. Of all the games I’ve played, none of them have inspired me to create my own content until now!

My goals for this blog are:

How to painting guides, eventually videos

Battle Reports

Hopefully a Fire Storm Campaign



My collection as it grows.

My long term goal:

Run a successful blog so I can be home with my wife and kids 😊

Thanks in advance for your support,

Montana Wargamer

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