Monday, November 19, 2018

How to play: Skaven

Hello again, today I’ll be giving you some pointers on how to play Skaven. I am by no means an expert Skaven player. However I’ve found some units and tricks that have aided me in winning some games with my beloved rat-men.  

This post is about playing Skaven under Allegiance Chaos, not Pestilens/Skryre

As a Skaven player, you have probably noticed your armies greatest weakness is low morale. And that your troops are easy to kill. This can equal a deadly combination during the battle shock phase of the game. So their isn’t a whole lot you can about your troops frailty, but you can fix your low morale with an artifact found in the Age of Sigmar Core Rulebook.

Crown of Conquest: allows units within 6” of the bearer of the crown to not take battle shock.

This is the artifact you should take for your Skaven general. Sticking your general in a massive vermintide of rats takes forever for your opponent to chew through once you’ve made it into combat. This artifact has made my Clan Rats a nightmare for my opponent to move, instead of an easy unit to dispatch.

Giant Rats:

Giant Rats are horrible in combat, but great for holding objectives. They move 8” and are usually always ignored by my opponents.

Rat Ogres:

You should be using them. They are the closest thing we have to a heavy cavalry unit. Use in tandem with a pack master.

Pack Master:

Whips your Rat Ogres to add plus +1 to run, charge and attack rolls for Moulder units. Making your Rat Ogres hit on 3s, wound on 3s, at -1 rend and 2 damage each. Plus, 6s to hit generate extra attacks from your Rat Ogres.

Strength in Numbers:

As Joseph Stalin said: “Quanity has a quality of its own.” Drowning your opponent in bodies, now immune to battle shock because of the Crown of Conquest, is very demoralizing reality for your opponent.

As I expand my collection of all Age of Sigmar armies; I plan on doing how to’s such as this one as my knowledge of armies grows.

Until I post again,

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