Monday, November 26, 2018

Warhammer 40K Vindicare Assassin

Today I just wanted to post a picture of my favorite 40K infantry model in my collection, the Vindicare Assassin. I haven’t got to use him much. Mainly due to working on days my gaming group does 40K. 

However, the urge to get back into the 41st millennium is intensifying. Especially with all the cool new models that GW has been cranking out.

I really want to get back into playing imperial guard. I had a huge collection but sold most of it off. I have roughly 1250 points of Militarum Tempestuous and two Catachan themed super heavies left.

I mainly play Age of Sigmar with my wife now, but an idea struck me one night.

What if I used Free Peoples hand gunners as my infantry models?? That’s genius! I can use the models for both gaming systems!

I hope to start this project after Christmas. If I do, I’ll update you guys with project posts.

For the Emperor/Sigmar...

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