Monday, January 28, 2019

How to: make your Free Peoples Handgunners look unique

Greetings fellow hobbiests/war gamers. Today I’m hoping to give you inspiration if you’ve been on the fence about collecting a Free Peoples Army for Age of Sigmar.

When I first got into Age of Sigmar, I was really drawn to the free peoples. I liked the idea of guns, rockets, and tanks going up against Seraphon, Ironjaws, and Skaven.

I just despised the models, or more perhaps, how they were painted on Games Workshop’s website. I also think the extremely edge highlighted cod pieces on the models were a bit much.

Anyway, I decided to give the Free Peoples a try and bought 3 boxes of handgunners. I decided to put the first 10 together without any 3rd party bits.

I was happy with the paint job. It was less obnoxious, and less obnoxious cod pieces, but after painting 5 or 6 more this way I knew I didn’t like the renaissance look. So I decided to raid my bits box in search of hope.

I found some Pith Helmets and heads from the now out of business Wargames Factory and began head swapping.

I was quite shocked with the results. I thought it would look silly at first, but I think I like the Pith Helmets much more than the plumed slouch hats that come with the kit. 

So my point is, a simple head swap, and or a less obnoxious paint job on these models does a lot for them! I plan on getting some more Pith Helmets and handgunners in the near future. 

Until next time,

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