Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Start of my Duardin army

I finally added something to my tiny collection of Age of Sigmar. Well actually I added a few other things. I bought my wife some Dragon Blades for her High Aelves Army. For my collection  I purchased: 3 easy build Liberators  to complete  a 5 man squad;  an Excelsior Warpriest, mainly because I love the model; and I bought a Lord Ordinator to lead my Grand Alliance Order forces on epic quests during the soul wars.

However, my favorite recent purchase has been the Ironweld Arsenal Duardin Cannon. ⬆️
I absolutely love the personality of the Duardin models. So much so that I’ll probably start a full on army of Duardin.

After reading some of the lore from the Kharadon Overlords. I was hooked. I love the idea of Duardin marching out of the heavenly realm to take back their home lands ravaged by Chaos. I also really like the pirate vibe of the Kharadon Overlords. It’s definitely an interesting take on duardins’ love of gold. 

So that leads me to the dilemma of playing Kharadon Overlords or the Dispossessed. Time will tell. However, my Lord Ordinator will be leading whatever Duardin I decide to play on their grudge to reclaim their mountain kingdoms.

I went with snow bases for them. The idea being that my Duardin are on the ancient mountain  passes leading to their fallen kingdom. They are so close to their home, but lack the numbers to take it, for  now.  Until that glorious day happens; my Lord Ordinator will be busy spreading word that my fallen Duardin kingdom is ripe for reclamation. 

Who currently occupies my kingdom? Probably the Skaven, since it’s the only Chaos army I have. I might put the kingdom in the realm of death though. Since I play a lot of skirmish games. Maybe I’ll tweak the narrative of the missions to match my quest to conquer the kingdom. Probably should buy skeletons to fight if I do that... Time will tell! 

Until next time!

Die Pointy Ears!

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