Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Excelsior Warpriest

Here is the Excelsior Warpriest I mentioned in my previous article. ⬆️
I have used him in two games so far. He has yet to have any prayer answered by Sigmar. He has also failed to slay anything in combat. However, his gryph-hound was able to kill my wife’s Swifthawk Agents chariot in close combat. Therefore he has been named SWIFTBEAK! The Warpriest needs to actually accomplish something before he’s named.


The Excelsior Warpriest is not very good in close combat. Granted he gets four attacks with his hammer; he hits on 4+ and wounds on 4+.

His abilities: Light of Sigmar is a prayer that goes off on a 3+. If successful can heal D3 wounds on an order unit within 10” of him. Conversely, you can select an enemy unit within 10” of him and inflict a wound. You can do D3 wounds if it’s a Chaos unit.

Thoughts on Light of Sigmar:

I thought the healing aspect was pretty cool. It’s nice on multi-wound models in your collection. I usually keep him close to my Ironweld Arsenal cannon to heal it’s wounds. However, my wife is smart and picks off the crew with her Swifthawk Reavers.

As far as using it to deal mortal wounds. I think it’s worth it depending on the situation. Like a Behemoth with one wound left, and you’d rather your Glade Guard shot at another scary unit!
Definitely worth it using against Chaos armies as you do D3 mortal wounds.

His other Ability: Devine Power. Can attempt to unblind one spell.

Lastly: Loyal Companion. Allows a gryph-hound to be placed within 3” of him. The gryph-hound gets to make 4 attacks instead of 2 if bad dudes are 3” away from the Warpriest.

Thoughts on Loyal Companion:

I love this from a narrative perspective. A man and his dog kicking butt in the mortal realms.  Basically you get 8 attacks coming from two models. They’re not great attacks by any means. However you should inflict a couple wounds on whatever you’re facing.

Overall he’s not the best Hero for an Order Army. I mainly use him for fluffy reasons. But that’s one of the reasons I like Age of Sigmar. Collect whatever you want and do battle!

Till next time!


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