Thursday, August 2, 2018

Clan Moulder yes-yes!

So here is a small sampling of my first Age of Sigmar army. Skaven!

Why did I choose Skaven?

I remember being 10 years old looking for a book to read during our library class in school. I found this book called The Dark Portal by Robin Jarvis. I could not put it down! I was hooked. The antagonist was truly evil. The Rat God’s goal was to unleash the Black Death upon the world once more. Then conquer it when all mankind had died. I thought the setting of an entire evil empire lurking in our sewers to be a truly fascinating setting. I want to pick up a copy of it and read it again.

With the above paragraph in mind; I was totally sold on the Spire of Dawn starter box when my wife and I got into Age of Sigmar.  Rats trying to conquer the realms? Against a few Aelves? What a great antagonist to go up against. They’re ugly, horrifying, and evil. You want to quick-quick, kill-kill them!

As much as I love Skaven. I have hobby A.D.D. I literally want every army represented in my collection.  So I have kind of neglected them. However I do plan on painting up the remaining 12 Skaven from the Spire of Dawn box. Once I finish them, I’ll do a post of the whole army. Until then here’s my painted Clan Moulder collection.
Kill-kill, yes-yes!

As for what I’ll add next...

Hard to say. Torn between Clam Eshin and Clan Moulder. All the clans are super interesting to me.

Until next time,

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