Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Hallowed Knights

I finally got around to painting the 5 man unit of Liberators that have been sitting in my Grand Alliance Order Box for a while now. I decided to paint them as The Hallowed Knights ↙️

When I was searching google images for inspiration on how to paint my Liberators; I stumbled upon the color scheme of the Hallowed Knights. I think it’s the best color scheme for Stormcast Eternals honestly. I really enjoyed painting these models. It’s nice not having to paint any skin! I used the lead belcher spray, blue wash, and the necron compound dry paint for the armour highlight. So once that was done, it was just a matter of blocking in the other colors.

Once I found the color scheme, I did some research on their lore. I found that they were sent to the realm of Ghyran to help repel the Chaos Invasion by Nurgle and Skaven. This was a cool little find since my table is themed off the realm of life. I also happen to have a Skaven Army. Another bonus for me was that I happen to have a Wanderers army. Which are also found in the realm of life..

So narratively, 3 of my armies mesh together! I’m pretty happy about that! It feels appropriate to have a small band of Hallowed Knights to come to the aid of my Wanderers. Who are being drowned in a vermintide of Rat-Men.

I’d like to add more models to this army, but I have hobby A.D.D. My wheel spins every five minutes on what model I want to buy next. I do have a Lord Ordinator partially painted up in this color scheme. All I’d need to do is by a box of 10 Liberators. Then I’d have three 5 man battleline units for a 2,000 point list..

We shall see what life brings..Happy war gaming!

Until next time,

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