Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Skaven Army Progression

I finally got around to painting this week. I have been working a lot of overtime recently so I haven't had much hobby time. However I ended up having today off! So the wife and I sat down after kids  went down for a nap and started painting. I finished my poisoned wind mortar team and my wife finished her Swifthawk Agents' chariot.

Aforementioned Mortar Team..
Once I post a full showcase of my painted collection; you'll see my Skaven don't have a unifying color scheme. That's mainly due to experimenting with different painting techniques. On some of my clan rats I used a wash only method. On some others I experiment with Games Workshop's Death Guard Green spray can; which I highly recommend by the way.

What I used to tie the army together was the bases. I wanted my Skaven  to look like they were walking through a toxic, ghoulish, nasty sewer. I think they turned out well. I just might do a how-to tutorial, let me know in the comments if you'd like to know how to do your bases this way!
I am really enjoying blogging. It's been enjoyable to just jot down my ideas and share them with the world. I'd have to say what I've enjoyed most about blogging has been the photography. I found this app in the app store called Fotor. It's super easy to use and it really makes your miniature photos stand out in my opinion. Taking photos has almost become a hobby of it's own. Photography has really motivated me to paint my miniatures. I can't wait to finish painting so I can take hundreds of photos of my finished work. Obviously I won't post all of my pictures, but it takes lots of photos to get a good one. Once I find a photo I like, that's when the fun begins for me with the photo editing.

I am so close to finishing my half of the Spire of Dawn Box. I only have 11 minis left to paint. 10 Clan Rats and 1 Skaven Warlord is all that stands between me and blog post showcasing my Skaven collection!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Looking good! I think you should do a how to on the bases. The blog is looking good by the way, lots of fun! Keep up the good work!
